Advice and representation
We can advise clients throughout England and Wales. If you require legal advice or representation on a private paying basis, please follow this link to Advice.
Comments on posts
The number and nature of comments to posts, often similar but not often the same, is such that we are unable to reply directly to most at the current time. Please continue to comment and to contact us for general queries via and we shall still try to respond to as many as we can.
Experienced and qualified lawyers
If you are a lawyer with an interest in defending freedoms of individuals and businesses, either to contribute to this site or to work with us, please get in touch with us via writing ‘lawyer with spare capacity’ or similar as relevant in the subject line.
If you would like to get involved with or contribute to this project, please email us via including ‘submission’ in the subject heading. Editors note: blog posts on this site are intended to be shorter and more accessible to non-lawyers and will not usually address issues arising under Human Rights legislation. Nevertheless, there may be exceptions and space will be found for articles that do so.