Private sector employers can force workers to have a Covid vaccine.
They cannot do so unless the Courts accept that the interference with your right right to bodily autonomy – a fundamental right maintained through the Human Rights Act 1998 – is justified. And the law is that the Courts can only accept justification based on evidence, not government messaging. We do not believe the evidence for justification exists.
With your help through a crowd funded legal action, we are going to Court urgently to stop No jab, no pay. Please take one minute to read about the case here and pledge your support.
(Although the ECHR has recently ruled that a particular vaccine treatment with long history of safe use in Czechoslovakia could be mandated, that was a decision on its particular facts, not involving experimental treatment with novel technology still in trials.)
If you are facing an imminent threat if you won’t have a Covid vaccine, whether its the first or second dose, please register your interest on our Ain’t Just Whilstling page. Although this applies to all sectors, we immediately have the private healthcare sector in our sights for this test case. Register here and spread the word.
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Please also check out our other posts.
Donated. Thank you for all that you do. Are we looking at some kind of action against the Govt on the legality of the Coronavirus Act given we know it is not an emergency as presented? What about joining forces abroad and going after the WHO?
The whole thing was planned all along to either kill people off or be controlled by the Government.
I believe Government officials are trying to sell our country (USA) to China!
I e received an email from my agency, I’m a nurse working agency, that I need to do my jab as many of the contractors ask for the proof. If I haven’t had the jab, here is the link to book it. To be advised that if I refuse to have it, the contractors will be very limited to accept me working.
Hiya All,Thank You & May GOD reward U for all the good work ur doing.If it wasn’t for you my knowledge of this big World wide Lockdown would have been limited.Now I understand what is going on,Agenda 21 De population.How EVIL is that.Thank U once again for enlightening me & many others I’ve shared this information with.
Please PLEASE continue this path of freedom, true scientific debate and legal rights based on facts. What is going on is medical tyranny and it must stop.
Nobody can enforce the experimental injection, because it is experimental and against the Nuremberg Code, nobody can be forced onto a clinical trial. Any employer who tries to force experimental injection can be taken to an Employment Tribunal for Constructive Dismissal, the employee is within their rights to walk out and may make an immediate claim for interim wages, whilst the case is proceeding via an Employment Tribunal. They must continue to apply for alternative positions and keep a record, and until such time as alternative employment is secured (if at all) the Employer is liable for loss of wages for the whole of the period together with compensation for loss of pension if applicable.
The UK Government is proposing to make COVID-19 Vaccines a condition of ‘deployment’ in (Older) Adult Care Homes… which ultimately could lead to NO JAB, NO PAY – by law!
Please have your say, the workforce must be heard by completing this public survey…
This relates to all who work in care homes, care workers, kitchen staff, cleaners, volunteers and visiting people in ‘direct’ contact e.g: hairdressers, health professionals, friends or family as ‘essential care givers’
There intention is to change the law and quickly! This is your chance to speak before the vaccination becomes mandatory. Closing date is Friday 21st May 2021.
Coerced vaccination is wrong!
Thank you for all your work. It is much appreciated.
I am fed up the fake lockdown . Fake virus . I want my freedom and human rights come back.
No one can be forced into having a Experimental “vax” ur body ur right to what goes in it
Workers should Demand a copy of the companies
RISK Assessment on Compulsory Va@@inations
You can bet one doesn’t exist,
Then they are breaking the law again
Under the 1974 Health & Safety At Work Act
Documented Risk Assessments are required for anything with a Risk to Health & Safety That an employee or Visitor has participate in or perform ,