Coming Soon…..
If you are losing sleep or are just confused over the law, you can now call Laworfiction Advice Services for prompt and expert advice.
Our objective is, of course, to answer your queries but for the vast majority we expect that typically to include:
- Can I be required to do X,Y or Z?
- Can I be stopped from doing X, Y or Z?
- Do I have complaint in law?
- Is it good, bad or indifferent?
- How can I pursue it?
- What might it cost?
- What compensation or other outcome might I achieve?
These are practical as well as legal issues. If in our opinion there is no practical recourse for you through law, we will tell you straight.
After reviewing the information you have sent us, the advice call will be up to 20 minutes, which we anticipate should be enough to deal with most matters. If it should need longer, that may itself be an indication of complexity and careful thought being given to weighing the cost and risks of taking further legal action.
Where further action is desired, and some cases may be of wider benefit to others, we will tell you but will also be frank as to what to expect if you take the matter further, whether with our assistance or on your own.
Ensuring expertise
It is extremely difficult for any one lawyer to stay on top of all of the various Coronavirus regulations and how they overlap with other laws. We therefore need to ensure your query is answered by a lawyer with relevant expertise and/or time to research a particular issue.
Since any group of people will between them have any number of queries related to different work, home and social circumstances, we need to ask that any query should be for one person (i.e. yourself or on behalf of another) and as a rule of thumb at least should be limited to one or two issues.
Fees and payment
We will review the information you send to us. We then call you back at an agreed time to discuss advise over the telephone for up to 20 minutes. The fee will be: [ including VAT.]
We will not review the information or ask you for payment until we are able to offer you a telephone appointment within 48 hours and within the times that you have indicated you are available.
If you change your mind, simply do not to pay the fee. Once the fee is submitted, however, no refund will be given since this will be the trigger for us deploy resources in looking at your case.
Get Advice
In confidence
You may expect any information you provide to be kept confidential and not disclosed to others without your permission. We are in contact with third party funders who may be interested to support some cases, particularly if they might become a test case for others. If appropriate, we may ask your permission to disclose details of your case to such funders but again in strict confidence.
Follow up
If you want to us to take your matter further for you, we can do that ourselves and you may continue with the same individual solicitor or barrister you have spoken to initially. However, you are not obliged to do so and, but the same token, we are not be obliged to accept your further instructions.
If we should proceed, fees for advice and consideration of alternative funding arrangements such as ‘no win no fee’ and possible availability of legal expenses insurance, will be discussed up front before any further agreement is made with you.
Laworfiction Advice Service
Law or Fiction Ltd was founded by its editor, Stephen Jackson, solicitor and director at Jackson Osborne Employment Lawyers (a trading name of Jackson Osborne Ltd), a law firm conducting work regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and with access to a range of highly qualified and experienced barristers and solicitors who object to the erosion of civil liberty and democracy to which we are witness.
“Laworfiction Advice” and “Laworfiction Advice Service” are trading names of Jackson Osborne Ltd created to identify advice and representation services provided in response to enquiries and referrals from but which will be conducted on an unregulated basis. Unregulated does not mean the advice you receive is any different from what you would receive from the same lawyers under a regulated regime. However, it does mean it can be delivered less formally, does not have initial requirements for ID and lengthy correspondence and does not have to carry additional high costs of compliance with regulatory regimes and reporting to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) or General Counsel of the Bar.
If it should be necessary to move to regulated advice, for example if Court proceedings are issued, then you can stay with Jackson Osborne Ltd with agreement made to work on a regulated basis. This is explained here.